565-1 Moon Landing

1427-1 Ogel Marine Slizer

3281-1 Naughty Spud

7681-1 Separatist Spider Droid

8729-1 Inika Toa Nuparu

8194-1 Nitro Muscle

1684-1 Large Bucket

7505-1 Flowered Hair Bands

5602-1 Police Station

9274-1 Doors and Windows

2645-1 School (School and Bus/School and bus)

42038-1 Arctic Truck

1040-1 Farm - 76 elements and a picture book (1991 version)

7546-1 Tropical Breeze Jewels 'n' More

7094-1 King's Castle Siege

3493-1 2 x 2 White Smooth Tiles

3754-1 2 x 4 Brown Bricks

44011-1 Frost Beast

7648-1 MT-21 Mobile Mining Unit

21316-1 The Flintstones

75179-1 Kylo Ren's TIE Fighter

9492-1 TIE Fighter

11920-1 Parts for Star Wars: Build Your Own Adventure Galactic Missions (included in Book 9780241357590)

70749-1 Enter the Serpent

75207-1 Imperial Patrol Battle Pack

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