10810-1 Push Train

70314-1 Beast Master's Chaos Chariot

41491-1 Batman & The Joker - San Diego Comic-Con 2016 Exclusive

3457-1 2 x 2 Red Bricks

42131-1 Cat D11 Bulldozer

11904-1 Parts for Brickmaster Legends of Chima (included in Book 5002773)

950-1 Fork Lift

5186-1 Fence

4595-1 Zero Tornado & Hot Rock

3118-1 Funky Fashion Boutique

21007-1 Rockefeller Center

9387-1 Wheels Set

2993-1 Surprise Birthday Party for Eeyore

11916-1 Parts for Disney Princess: Build Your Own Adventure (included in Book 9780241318638, 9781465473684)

561903-1 Sweet Baby foil pack

11938-1 Robot polybag

302006-1 Chip Potts and Mrs. Potts foil pack

30564-1 Build your own Monster polybag

76175-1 Attack on the Spider Lair

66264-1 Duplo Super Pack 3 in 1 (4988, 4976, 4987)

75157-1 Captain Rex's AT-TE

8597-1 Kanohi Nuva and Krana polybag

2508-1 Blacksmith Shop

3487-1 1 x 6 White Plates

8365-1 Tuneable Racer

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